Wednesday, December 03, 2008

ho ho ho

Cute, huh? He also knows if you have been naughty or there!

What do you want for Christmas? I really cant think of anything special I want this year. I would love to have world peace but........I dont see that happening. I can remember when I was younger, I used to have lists as long as my arm!! Now I cant think of one thing! I would settle for going to sleep Christmas Eve and waking up with my town covered with a blanket of fresh fallen snow, but then I think of all the problems it would cause people who are traveling to relatives houses.

One thing we are doing this year is Larry and I are having Christmas Eve with all of our kids and grandkids invited. He has 4 , I have 3. I think it will be great fun. We are having ham, meatballs, roast beef for sandwiches, I will make cheesy potatoes, brocholi casserole, and pasta salad. I dont know what else we will have. Larry, who lives next door, has a bigger house than me, so we will have it over there. I can see his house lit up..people coming and going...laughing and talking. It will be a good time.

We have sunshine today! The temps are supposed to get up in the low 50's. I am going to finish the majority of my Christmas shopping today. I have all my stuff stored over at Larrys!!! Its kinda like I have 2 houses.....I put stuff in his freezer when mine is full, I store my lawn mower in his garage... It works out real

Well, gotta get a move in and get my fannie in gear! Have a great day!
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Tug said...

I like your new header! I can't think of anything I want either...happiness & health for my family, ya' know?

So when are you and Larry going to sell a house & just have one? ;-)

Akelamalu said...

You and Larry have everything sewn up!

It's amazing isn't it - when you get older you can't think of one damn thing you want for Christmas! :(

Dr.John said...

There is nothing I want for Christmas either. Unless of course Santa leaves comments on blogs.
I envy you having your Christmas shopping almost done.

pure evyl said...

I want a motorboat but not the kind that runs on water.

Lo Kelween said...

it seems your relationship with Larry and family is very close! :)

Are you missing out the dish of the season, turkey? hehe :)

MarmiteToasty said...

Sounds like life is good in your homes :)....

All I want for crimbo is someone to do the piles and piles of ironing I have, just to catch me up and get on top of it, and then I can cope LOL
