Sunday, October 26, 2008

I have a bitch! ( Actually I have several, but lets just do one at a time) Has anyone noticed if they are having a dress down day for waitresses???? There is one place we eat at the Mall and the past 2 times we were there the waitresses looked " scruffy". I dont know about you, but I dont feel real comfortable having them serve my food if they have dirty shoes on, those long fingernails that who knows whats under them, or if their clothes dont look clean.

I really feel that if you chose to work with the public you should take extra care to make sure you are clean and pleasant. Especially if you are a waitress. Sometimes I think we are so much better off NOT knowing what the cooks look like!!! We may never go out to eat again!

Most of the waitresses we have had have been clean and pleasant, but I have seen a few scruffy ones! I hate to complain...but...just sayin...
Has anyone else noticed this?


Dr.John said...

It could be they were just having a baedday like the waitress that poured the water on me.

eZ said...

hey Catch
I have seen the cook, and trust me,you want to eat at home! haha
If the joint has crap standards for the waitress, ya think they care if the cook picks his nose?
Or cares if the freezer isn't cold enough to keep the food?
Now have a nice day and eat your veggies:)

eZ said...

hey Catch
I have seen the cook, and trust me,you want to eat at home! haha
If the joint has crap standards for the waitress, ya think they care if the cook picks his nose?
Or cares if the freezer isn't cold enough to keep the food?
Now have a nice day and eat your veggies:)

MarmiteToasty said...

Please please tell me YOU wrote that on the counter with the tomatoe sauce and mustard lmfao.... hahahahaha

I refused to tip a breakfast waitress whilst in the states 3 years back, cos she was the most miserable moody cow out, my doodles maties said to tip anyways AND I REFUSED lol I agree, if you are working with the public NO MATTER HOW SHIT YA WAGES ARE you do it with a smile and curtsey and leave ya bloody own troubles at home.....

Some days I HATE my job, but the nippers in my care would NEVER EVER know I was having a shit day lol.... its all about self control.


Akelamalu said...

The management of the restaurant she be insisted their staff are clean and smart. I would just refuse to eat in a place where the staff were anything less and like Marmie I won't tip bad service.

Unknown said...

The least a person who works in the public and handles food and drink is to follow clean practices. Customers could loose their lunch, so to speak.