Monday, September 22, 2008

Im starvinggggggg

Hi ya all!

I have to start this out with.....I AM ON A DIET! all know how I started going out with Larry, Well of course we went out to eat at least 4 evenings a week......not cool. I had lost 30 pounds after having open heart surgery and I have gained back 16 pounds!!! Soooooo........ I am watching what I eat and walking and drinking lots of water. I think the hardest part of being on a diet for me coke! I love coca cola. I could run it through my veins in an iv. So thats whats new with me.....just eatin the healthy stuff....oh, except for yesterday....we treated ourselves to Red Lobster!!! lol. We both had shrimp and french fries, I was sooo bloated after I ate! Mmmmm..and I had 2 cokes! just 2. no more now till we decide it is time for a treat, which will be a while.

I am walking 40 minutes a day, which is what my Cardiologist wanted me to do. I listen to my ipod and its pretty enjoyable. Sometimes in the evening Larry and I go for another walk.

The weather is wonderful!!! I wish it would just stay like this. Cool mornings and evenings and warm sunny days! Oh I love it. Today was bath day for the doggies. I bathed both of them and washed their blankies. I really think Baby peed on her blankie. Maybe b/c she is still a pup. Shes about 8 months old. Gidget would NEVER pee on her blankie! ..but she is older and much more mature ;))
Ill be reading your blogs this evening and tomorrow ...Marmie sit dont have to spend big bucks on plane fare just yet!!! Ive resurfaced! guys all behave.


Anonymous said...

My sympathy for the loss of coke, for me its Diet Pepsi. I still have 40 pounds to lose before I'll feel like my old self again, dieting sucks. Nice to see you back!

LauraJ said...

Hi Catch! So happy to see ya! I agree diets suck! I'm so happy you found love with Larry! Now it's my turn. Not with Larry though!

TK Kerouac said...

How long has it been with Larry now? I'm so happy you found a good one, send me some of that karma.

Keep up the walks, I'm on my way for one now!

Akelamalu said...

Oh Catch you just reminded me I desperately need to go on a diet! Good luck with yours honey and well done on following your cardiologist's advice on the walking. We want you to keep fit! xx

eZ said...

you go girl!!!

take care

eZ said...

I forgot to tell you I love the new pic, and yes the hokey pokey is what it is "all about"

Unknown said...

Good luck on your diet. I keep trying to lose weight but it keeps finding me. I really thought that during the hurricane I might lose a pound or two, but alas, not an ounce.

MarmiteToasty said...

Im put on tons of weight since my ops.... not being able to go out walking dont help LOL.......

Im turning into a fat old cow :)

