Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Akalamalu has given me an award! She has picked me as one of the 10 bloggers who make her smile! Thank you so much Akalamalu, I am very happy to make you smile! Sometimes I even manage to laugh at myself!A lot of my friends tell me I have the ability to make them laugh even when they are very depressed. I never really thought much about it, I have just always been this way, but I guess its a good way to be. My Dad was this way too...when he had his first heart attack and he was in intensive care with moniters everywhere and I was finally allowed in to see him ( I was scared to death) he said " I think its time to get the will out" I did not want to laugh..but I realized he was just trying to inject a little humor in a very scary situation.

And speaking of scary situations, I have an appointment with a cardiologist on Thursday. I have been having some chest and arm discomfort. I went to my regular Dr and he wants me to see the Cardio guy. He did my cholestrol and triglycerides and my cholestrol was 202 ( I don't take any meds for it) triglycerides were 187, which was a little high, but not too bad. I am under a tremendous amount of stress right Mother continues to get more forgetful and confused ( which I knew would happen), my daughter and her son have recently moved in with me and Mom ( which is where I want them to be), but I never have any time for just me. My Mother ( bless her heart) follows me around like a puppy dog, but tells everyone who comes here she wants her own place. Sometimes I feel very unappreciated even though I know its her disease. I am doing the best I can for all involved.

So on Thursday I will be at the Doctor seeing what he has to say. Say a little prayer for me. We all have our crosses to bear( or is it bare???), and usually I handle mine quite well. This is where I want my Mother to be, not in some resthome where they don't take care of her. And as for my daughter and grandson, I feel better that they are here and he has me to take care of him while my daughter is working. We all sit down to dinner at the table everynight b/c I think its good for Gaige, Mom and I used to eat on trays in front of the TV, so this family time at the table is good for all of us. We take turns saying a blessing before we eat, which is good for all of us, but I think it teaches Gaige to be thankful and respectful.

So, now to pass on the 10 bloggers who make me smile. all make me smile, but I will try to narrow it down.

Bluepaintedred ~ Shes hysterical, I always get a laugh when I read her. We have been blogger buds forever. She has 3 little boys, a cat and a husbund, and she has a super sense of humor

Big Pissy ~ Another hysterical one.....she cracks me up! If I lived near Pissy, I would be friends with her, because I think we would laugh a lot.

Funeral Girl ~ I have been hooked on her blog since the first day I came across it..she is very sensitive at times and at other times I sit here and laugh out loud at some of the things she says.

Mr Fab ~ a truly funny and sensitive guy, who is sometimes just very misunderstood. Lol. I had to say that Fab. I love him!

Fuzz (Blogstuff)~ I love his sense of humor and hes cute! Hes another one I have been friends with since I started blogging.

EZ (Catty Wampas)~ shes a commedianne!(sp). Some of the things she comes up with make me wonder why she doesn't have her own show!

Ol Lady(Sometimes Stupid) ~ she makes me laugh so much I wish I would get that damn hot dogger in the mail to her. A truly funny gal.

Marmie ~ she has a rooster named Janet, runs a daycare center and has the funniest way of looking at life...she always makes me smile.

Bazaa ~ he has one of those tongue in cheek sense of humors, I'm sure he always does it with a straight face.

Akalamalu ~ how could I not include you??? You are not hawaiian but you have a hawiian name " just b/c you like it"..I love that about you.....and the " I may tell you everything and I may tell you nothing", you are too funny!


Lo Kelween said...

hey, congrats, i received the same award from akelamalu too. i linked from her to your blog anyway, have a nice afternoon! :)

Cindy said...

Congratulations, Catch! You deserve it. I often come visit you looking for a laugh and more often than not, you deliver just that. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now but I know you wouldn't have it any other way. I'll be praying that your visit to the Cardiologist goes well and that he finds nothing wrong.

eZ said...

hey catch-
thanks and back at ya!!
I will say a prayer for you,
hang in there
I see a visit to Applebees in your near future! Dawn gave me $5 to say that-lol

LJ said...

you never fail to make me smile; it's not wonder you won that award!

Anonymous said...

You do have that way about you. Finding a little humor in scary situations. You always give me a smile too.
Congrats on your award!

I'll be thinking and praying for you on Thursday!


Tug said...

Good luck Catch, will all that's going thoughts & prayers are with you.

Congrats on the award!!

Michelle said...

congrats on the award! You definitely make me smile when I come over here :)

Tug said...

I didn't see an e-mail for you, but wanted to pass this on - thought of you and all you're going through.

Russell said...

Hope your appointment with the cardio doctor goes well tomorrow. Let me know what he says.

Bazza said...

Thanks Catch, you make me smile too. You're very perceptive as well.

Big Pissy said...

Thanks, hon! You always make me smile too! :)

Good luck with the cardio doc....I'll be thinking of you. :)

Akelamalu said...

LOL you bounced it right back at me! Thank you my funny friend. x

tkkerouac said...

Congrats Catch, keep smiling
Sounds like you have your hands full, you are a nuturer and sometimes the downside is you look after everyone else but skimp on self. Hope you find the balance
Take good care of you, and yes, I love your sense of humour!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, you're in my prayers and attitude is 90% of the cure (or so I've been told). Prayin' for ya!

Anonymous said...

Aw, well, you have a gift, Shericakes. Rain it down all over the place!

Best of wishes and good thoughts to you and your mama. The odds are in both of your favors (did i say that right?)

Keep us posted and know lotsa good energy if flowing in your direction

MarmiteToasty said...

Geeez fanks matie..... Im not worthy....

Still have intermittent bloody computer problems.....arrgghhhhhh....and Ive been up to me eyes in work, next week should calm down a bit, as I will of settled 3 of me minded nippers into fulltime school, so no more 4 treks aday to the school to pick up and drop off, it will be back to 2 trips a day...... and hopefully will have time to scroll back and catch up with everyone......

miss ya....


Bluepaintred said...

thank you very much for the award, its great to know I can make you smile. But i have to say, it's Saturday. two days after Thursday.

Where is our update on what the doc said?

:P fuzzbox said...

You make me smile too. Keep it up. I am sure all will be well.

Ol' Lady said...

aaaawwwww thank you catch :)
your just to sweet
I haven't been around lately (dam life gettin in the way) but hopefully I get some time soon.