Rockin Girl Blogger
Akelamalu Has awarded me the ROCKIN GIRL BLOGGER. I am very honored and I have to pick 5 gals who I think are ROCKIN!! Thank you very much Akelamalu ( Ive got to come up with a shortened version of her name). I am very honored to recieve this. First of all I think all my gals on my blogroll are rockin. But I will try to pick 5...dont be mad at me if I havent picked you. You know I wouldnt hurt your feelings for the world.
Kat...Kat is from my state and not really that far away from me so possibly one day we will meet! ( Arent you excited Kat? lol) I can identify with a lot of Kats posts. She can be dead serious or very funny, whatever, I always enjoy reading her.She has kids and grandkids just like me and they are the subjects of some of her posts, just as mine are. I really think we have a lot in common.
Big Pissy...Pissy is just funny! I love her attitude, she is just my type of person. I think if I lived near Pissy we would be giggling all the time about something or someone. And buying shoes......lots of shoes..
Funeral Girl....I love this blog.....her sense of humor just cracks me up. She does a very delicate job in a funeral home and shes quite good at it, but when she spins it with her sense of humor....its just too funny!
Marmite Toasty....What a scream this gal is....she reminds me of I Love Lucy. Her posts always cheer me up and Im sure shes a rockin girl, with her pet chicken named Janet!!!
Sometimes Stupid...the Ol Lady is a hoot. I have been reading her for quite a while now and adore her sense of humor. Shes funny, shes a lovely person and I enjoy her.
So that is my pick of Rockin Girls Blogs. The links to these blogs are all over to your right. You can tag someone if you want to.........your supposed to tag 5. But seriously...all the blogs on my blogroll are rockin blogs, whether they be girls or boys!
That's so cool!
I think you rock, too! ;-)
I even know some of your choices! :)
LMAO at jabba the butt. gross but funny!
Also. i want to be a rocker! I will dye my hair blue if needed LOL
You're the best, Catch! Thanks for your votes of confidence. I'm glad you enjoy my ramblings. I sure enjoy yours. well, Jabba,not so much. ;)Except, I can't really stop looking at it...
Jabba cracked me up. Those eyes seem to stare right back at you.
Congratulations, Catch! You are definetly a real Rockin' Blogger for sure.
Yes the weekends just go by way to fast. I'd like to to to the lake to see the fireworks this year, the only problem is it's so freakin' HOT, and I don't know how the kids will handle waiting all day for the fireworks. We usually BBQ, and swim all day. We can see the fireworks from the lake from our backyard. I guess it just depends on how the day starts off and how hot it gets.
Congrats again Catch!
What happened with my typing...and I haven't had anything to drink, LOL! It's supposed to read,I'd like to take the kids to the lake....I think it's getting late...Good Night, have a great day tomorrow!
Thanks for playing along Catch, all but one (Marmitetoasty) of your nominees are new to me so that great I get to read new blogs! :)
I love this blog because you put various things up- ie: the Show and Tell Monday with that Jabba da' butt. Hmm. Is that real? I mean, you can see everything almost! YIKES!
Hope you're doing well! Trying to get back into work mode and off vacation mode here.
Congrats Catch you are one rockin girl!! :)
Congrats Catch!! YAY
I was going to comment on this post until I saw the picture from you last one. I am at a loss now. LOL!!
You certainly rock! Congrats!
I am surprised that you do not have a pixie layout!
Congrats to you, you rocker you.
If I get a sex change operation will you give me this award?
WELL i always enjoy it when somebody I visit gets an award. Of your five rocking girl blogs I read only two .
aaaawwww catch you are a real rockin girl :)
thanks so much for awardin me to be a Rockin Girl Blogger...
you are just the sweetest and your posts are very refreshin...although I think Jabba could use some freshin'in up :o
congrats you rockin girl you!
you so deserve it!
Thanks Catch! I do think we should schedule a meeting some day, I've got a feeling we are right next door to each other.
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