Look at these little crocs! Arent they so cute? This is Pacey. I kept her Saturday while the rest of them went to Kennywood Park. I just love her little shoes ( me being the shoe person that I am.) Below she is playing with an old phone. She is growing so fast!

Below is Moms wrist. We spent 4 hours Friday in the Emergency Room. Her wrist was swelling and they had to cut the cast back. That little black dot is one of the pins in her wrist. It is very swelled and sore. She has been in a lot of pain with it. I told the Nurse if it gave her anymore problems I would cut it off myself at home! They think I was teasing! I am getting the saw sharpened up just in case! ;))

This is Zack!! It doesnt even look like him. He had his face painted at Kennywood. They were on their way home from the Park and stopped to pick up the baby and I had to snap this pic of him. Poor little sleepy guy! You can see where he rubbed the paint off around his eyes. Tonight my son is camping out in the backyard with Gaige and Zack in the camper. They are both so excited! My idea of camping is at a Marriot with a hot shower and air conditioning. I guess I am just turning into an old fart! Have a great weekend everyone!!
Hi Catch! Your mom's wrist looks awfully sore- sure hope it heals fast and stops giving her so much trouble.
at first I was all ohmigosh i NEED those shoes, but then I saw our moms writs.
that sicker is infected catch. See all the red around the pin? Is it warm/hot to the touch? has she only seen the nurse who cut the cast back or has she shown that to an actualt doctor?
That hand worries me because the elderly take longer to heal and all of their complications are way more complicated!
Was she on antibiotics at all? Did you make sure she remembered to take them?
Please update as she improves!
Wow, your moms wrists looks awful. I'm sorry she's in pain. I hope it gets better.
I love that photo slideshow with the hearts!
Well, just wanted to stop by, see you soon, and stay cool.
Your grand kids are so sweet...
Ouch! Your poor mother...I hope she gets on the mend soon.
Hi Catch, that picture of the little feet with pink shoes is adorable......you Mom's pink wrist less so.......Catch I think it is infected? Trevor had two pins in his wrist.....and after the initial swelling went down, it neveer swelled again... That pinkness, pain and swelling are all signs of infection. please keep us posted.......well she is under a dr.s care, so i guess i shouldn't worry, but I KNOW what the stupid Dr.'s did to tom's toe....he nearly lost it. They got Staph infection in it, AT THE HOSPITAL.
I know her wrist looks really sore ( and it is) but the Dr, assured me it isnt infected. Its a little red but its not hot to the touch. I am keeping a close eye on it. If I think for 1 minute its infected we will go immediately to the hospital. Thanks for your concerns everyone. Hugs ~ Catch
This Mugga bought her grandbaby a pair of Crocs, too..........pink ones, of course! I love buying the girls shoes! I hope your Mom's wrist starts to improve, I know how painful a wrist can be! hugsssssssssssss
HI Catch, okay, I am so glad the Dr said it isn't infected, now I can relax...... :):), I borrow trouble.....and worry about everything.......
We have had such a hastle with Tom's toe, you can't imagine......and it all started out so innocently.
The crocs are cute, but not as cute as your grandbabbies.
Oh poor Mom, that looks soooo painful and it does look infected. Still if the doc says no..... I think I'd get another opinion after reading Nea's post today!
Jebus, look at your mum's hand....... bloody hell, I suggest you just chop it off and be done with it :)
The nippers look gorgeous...... and those crocs have just come out over here, but at $40 a pair they can shove em LOL
I love my crocs, but I could never look as cute as your little darling in them (my partner calls them my ugly shoes). Your mum must be so brave,I'm glad she has someone like you to keep an eye on her.
Catch: your Mom's wrist looks so painful! Bless her heart! :(
That picture of your grandson is priceless! :)
Red and swollen is not a good thing!
Camping with a hot shower and airconditing? What's wrong with that?
Spidermann is adorable.
Oh your poor mom, that looks awfully painful. I'm glad it's not infected.
I'm with you, camping at the Marriott is more my style.
Catch where did she get those adorable shoes. The pink butterfly is too adorable. :)
Gaige really did have his facepainted. Love it. Very precious.
I hope you had a fun weekend with your family.
Those crocs are great, I've never seen anything like them over here. If they did them in black and size 8 I'd be down the shop tomorrow!
the grandbabies are adorable!!
now i want a pair of pink crocs.. so sweet!!
mom's wrist.. yikes! i hope she's doing better.. i hurt just looking at it...
Just stopping by to say hi after the weekend, hoping your Mom's wrist is improving.
Great pictures. Sorry abo0ut your mother's pain. Your idea of camping and mine are now the same.
Those are some seriously cute pictures! I love the Spiderman! Isabelle has some little red, white and blue crocs, too.
I tagged you today, Catch! ;)
Love your post Catch, your his really is like Grand Central Station!!
About your comment about only being able to post 4 photographs at a time
If you are with blogger, you should be able to post 5 photographs, download them, and then don't publish, download another 5 until you are finished.
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