Wednesday, December 20, 2006

When Barbie goes bad

Well I can see Barbie is still at the top of Christmas lists, but boy has she changed since my day! She shoulda stuck with G.I. Joe, he would have kept her in line!

She has way too much eye make up on in this picture!!!! She could almost pass for Shannon whats her face ....

What has she stooped to ??? Are times that tough Barbie? And what about Ken? What is he saying about all this crap? I always knew he was a wuss. And who is that moron in the pink hair you're gyrating for?

This must be Supermarket Barbie....wonder who takes care of that cartful of kids when she's drinking that beer? Looks like she has another bun in the oven!Im not even gonna mention the black eye! Do her ankles look swollen to you?

Forgot to put your breast pad in Barbie? I always knew those huge ta ta's would get you in trouble someday! Rule of the thumb alcohol while breast feeding! I suppose you think it makes the baby rest better.


Tina Dray said...

I don't think i'll be able to look at barbie again without thinking of these pic's there great lol!
bazza did get his pistol out catch but it wasn't very impressive seen better Ha Ha !

Blogarita said...

I think that pink hair is her bikini top flung on his head...LOL! What a sleaze...

Anonymous said...

The one with the shopping cart is Britney not Barbie!!

eZ said...

hey catch
the sad thing is that it does represent what the world is coming to,"screw everyone else I am gonna get mine" attitude
What the heck happened to Midge?

LJ said...

I think this is hillarious! What a riot! I have actually seen a woman with 3 different race children in a cart before. They were all hers because they were all shouting mummy mummy mummy.
Too funny!!

Pixie said...

The supermarket one is called Redneck Barbie ;)

I do think that I heard she had dumped Ken though in favour of her career...

Deb said...

This is priceless! Transgender Barbie! I should give this to my niece who wants to be a boy... she's opting for the surgery. Yeah so what, she's only 4. (ha) See? It's in the genes....jeans? Hmm.

Dan said...

Is the transgender Barbie allowed to join G.I. Joe in battle?

This is getting confusing.

Anonymous said...

Poor Barbie... if she'd just listened to her mother.

Pendullum said...

I snorted my tea...
Not a pretty thing...
Now howwould Blogger Barbie look???

Catch said...

Tina~ I havent seen Bazaa for a couple days...must be still playin with that pistol? lol

Blogerita ~ oh my! I hadnt thought of that! im crackin up here

Anonymous ~ Britney, Barbie, Paris...put em all in a bag and shake em up...

EZ ~ I think I heard that Midge ran off with a circus performer!

Laura ~ Believe me, its not a rare occurance....Ive seen it too.....too many times.

Pixie ~ Redneck fits! lol

Deb ~ youknow those 4 year old have wild imaginations....shes not ready for surgery yet! lol

Dan ~ Good to see you back Dan. barbie cant do battle....her boobs are too big!

Kat ~ if only they had all listened to Mom.....mine included! lol

Catch said...

Pendullum ~ what an interesting concept!!! Maybe we could market her and sell her to all our blogger buds!!!! lol

Dr.John said...

Poor, poor, Barbie. Now her reputation is in tatters. She will have to do something to rebuild it. Perhaps enter a cloister.