Thursday, December 21, 2006

Opinions please

When I tried to get in blogger tonight I couldnt get passed the "blogger buzz" at first. It says that beta blogger is gone. What do you guys think? It says we can switch to something new....and keep our same templates. Anyone else going for it?

EDIT..... never mind that stuff about blogger buzz. I dont understand it and no one else seems to know about it so I probably misunderstood it. So please just enjoy the picture I posted...isnt a nice Christmasy picture? Ho Ho will be here before we know it. Im so glad I have been good all year!!!

For those of you who are really busy and have little children I want to wish you a Merry Christmas in hopes that you will see it before the holiday. Enjoy the time with your kids, its the best time of your life....I remember when mine were little...they were so excited. Now I enjoy the grandchildren, but its not the same as when my kids were little and living at home. It was such a cozy feeling to get them bathed and dressed in Christmas pajamas and get them in their beds. Then to watch the excitement in their eyes on Christmas morning.!

Ok Im off to bed.....have a good day all of my blogger friends.


Tina Dray said...

Don't know about the blogger stuff catch but i love that pic it's so festive!
festive wishes catch have a good one!

rel said...

Don't know, or haven't seen "blogger buzz". I can't believe beta blogger is has been such a major pia for me this past week I would have taken Rudolf's gun and shot it myself!
I love your pic.
As well, Your delightful Christmas kitty arrived yesterday! Thank you so much.

Patty said...

I just posted at my blog how much zi hsyr beta blogger

Blogarita said...

I saw something like that last night, but zoomed right past it and didn't pay much attention. But "beta" is a term used when software is still in the testing stages, so once everyone has switched over (by choice or because Blogger leaves them no choice), I'm pretty sure they will quit calling it "beta".

So maybe it means they are just about ready to get EVERYONE on board with the same version.

Bluepaintred said...

for the first time all three of my kids are able to understand that it is christmas. even the baby keeps pickin gup his present and telling me it is his santa claus . lol its from his brother, santa doesnt come till xmas eve.

every morning when we change the countdown clock, i see them get more and more excited.

unfortunatly for the baby, proof came in teh mail last night that he is on the naughty list

eZ said...

hey catch-your blonde is showing!!I am dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to the computer stuff, I mess it up and the old fart fixes it. He is trying to teach me-he rebuilds old puters and gives them to people who do not have one. Most are dinosaurs from the trash, not good enough for internet, just games and to learn the keyboards.
Having a Santa believer in the house is magical for sure.
I love the picture
have a great weekend
stay out of Applebees,
Santa is watching YOU

Deb said...

The best thing you can do if you have quite a large blog like me, and they won't switch you yet due to the heavy content- just save your work and back it up. I have a feeling that if we don't switch to beta, that it'll automatically corrupt some of the 'old files' they had in store. Remember, all our archives are saved on their data base. So I'm nervous to even think about what will happen when that big "switch" to all comes.

Save! I am doing that today!

Dr.John said...

No person alive understands blogger. Some day some person will write his PHD disertation on blogger and then we will understand. I never knew that Santa had to bribe his reindeer to fly.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Most of the time for my Thirteen Thursday I blog hop but not always.
I start this time at Autumn Meadow who lives in Virginia.
I find Autumn blog non routine. You never know what Autumn will blog about and thats one of the main reason I have her as a coffee pal.
Take a minute and go over to my blog read #1 who is Autumn Meadow and your also on my Thirteen Thursday and check out few other blogs.

Stop on over and take a gander and I bet you’ll fine something that fancy you.

Unknown said...

I have been annoyed with the blogger mess.half the time I cant post a comment. Then of course I still wish I had not updated the yahoo cause I cant find some of the things I used to.

Catch said...

Tina~ thank you and Merry Christmas to you Sweety!

Rel~ glad it finally got there! I know I wont understand beta blogger either...but I was sure I had seen where they said they had done away with beta. When I was trying to get into my blog last night is when it came up..I figured everyone got it. Do you suppose I was hullucinating? lol

Autumn ~ Check out Pepperlady, she gave us a nice compliment today ! :))

Blogerita ~ Time will tell....I dont want to lose my templates b/c Pixie made them for me.

Blue ~ dont you even try to tell me Stuperman is on the naughty list! I am not going to believe it, as I am one of his staunchest supporters.

EZ ~ hon, Santa is not only watching me, he bought my drinks!!!! lol

Deb ~ I would have to go to classes to learn how to back it up! I know how to turn on my computer...get to my blog, yahoo games and the Sims2. OH...and I can ccp! Thats about it!

Dr John ~ I never had too much trouble with blogger....occasionally I couldnt post pics, but not that often..but as far as understanding way! Then when I start to get the hang of it, they are going to change it! I have considered wordpress, but then I wouldnt be able to use my templates that Pixie worked so hard on.

Pepperlady ~ Thank you so much for the compliment!! I am very greatful!!! Come back anytime!!!

peppylady (Dora) said...

When I blog hop for my thirteen thursday I do a some planing because it takes me a while.
Usual I write or blog what every fancy me.

Unknown said...

This is the first time I've seen your Santa is really cute!
I switched to Blogger Beta, no problems, and I'm able to keep my template, the only thing that bugs me so far is using my email address to sign into Google.
The kids are counting down the days. And are wondering where their presents are because I haven't wrapped them Yet!! I better get a wrappin'!
I got your card in the mail yesterday, I think we all should have a Blogger Get together too! What a blast that would be all of us!
Wishing you and your loved ones a Very Merry Christmas Catch!

Anonymous said...

That picture is fantastic! I know what you mean about missing the kids. I have the grandgirls now, but its not the same, they'll be at their Dad's until late and roll home in time to go to bed.

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