Sunday, December 21, 2008

some holiday pictures of the family....

this is Barb, my girlfriend that I have had since high school....she was maid of honor in my first wedding! lol. Her and her hubby showed up tonight unannounced! They live in Oklahoma, but he drives a truck and whenever they get a load close to here they stay with me.....shes like family anyway, its not like I have to put myself out for her....thats their little dog Dixie, who travels everywhere with them.
this is my daughter, Ashley, cheesing it in front of the tree...she loves a camera, has since she was a baby!!! lol

this is Ash and her Grandmother and of course the wittle girl dog ,Gidget!

this is Ashley and her niece Jordyn

these are my grandchildren Zack and Pacey having a good laugh about something.

this is my Mother and Gidget , she looks pretty good for an 81 year old lady doesnt she? Not Gidget, shes only 3) ; ))

this is Gaige ( my grandson) and Jayden (my greatgrandson). Gaige is in the camo coat.

this is Jayden and Jordyn, my 2 great grandchildren.

this is my Mother and my granddaughter, Brielle and my great granddaughter, Jordyn.

Larry and I made the frame with the snowman on it, we made 12 of them and gave them to our family members. They are really pretty and they light up. We have been working on them since September, he did the frames and I did the was fun.


LauraJ said...

Happy Holidays Catch! You are too young to be a great grandma!! THat's not possible. Your mom looks not a day over 51 which makes you around 31 right?? :) Smooches!!

Akelamalu said...

Crikey Catch you can't be old enough to have great grandchildren!

What a lovely family.

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. x

MarmiteToasty said...

You have great grandkids? your joking LOL

All the photos are just so lovely and happy and gorgeous and scrummy....

love the mirrors you gave to your family......

You truely are a great partnership :)


Dr.John said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful family with us.
I like your Christmas project. We used to do things like that.

pure evyl said...

It looks like y'all are having a great Holiday.

eZ said...

hey catch
I love the pic frames you guys made. You have a great family and it shows.
have a great hoilday
God bless you and yours!

rel said...

You have a beautiful family Catch, But then I'm not surprised!
What a wonderful Christmas you'll be having this year.

Big Pissy said... all the family photos! What a lovely family you have, Catch! :)

Those frames looks great! Y'all did a fantastic job! I'm sure everyone will be pleased. :)