Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our Feast

We had our Thanksgiving dinner at Larrys ( who lives next door to me) He has 3 daughters and a son, I have 2 sons and a daughter. His daughter and 3 of his grandchildren came. My daughter and her boyfriend and son came. And my Mom , who just turned 81 was there. We had a delicious meal...Larry and I fixed it together. We have decided for Christmas to fix food Christmas Eve and have all of our kids and grandkids in too eat!!! I think it will be lots of fun and kind of like an old fashioned Christmas Eve.

His daughter called him the day after Thanksgiving to tell him how nice the meal was. I thought that was real nice. Everyone went home "stuffed"

Here is Mom and Ash's boyfriend Josh and Gaige....Mom had a good time and enjoyed herself.........

I think Ashley looks happy.....Josh is such a good guy, he is real good with Gaige too. He just fits right in with our family.
Grabbed this from Dr John....looked like fun........and you can call Dr John anything, but DONT call him humble!!!!! ;))
1. Which do you like better: cooking at your house, or going elsewhere?Going elsewhere
2. Do you buy a fresh or frozen bird? frozen
3. What kind of stuffing? I cant stand stuffing from inside the bird........and my stuffing never turns out. Stovetop has a new one with cranberries in is delicious!
4. Sweet potato or pumpkin pie? pumpkin
5. Do you believe that turkey leftovers are a curse, or the point of the whole thing? I made a turkey breast at my house just so we could have turkey leftovers to munch on even though we ate over at Larrys.
6. Which side dish would provoke a riot if you left it off the menu? noodles
7. Do you save the carcass to make soup or stock? No
8. What do you wish you had that would make preparing Thanksgiving dinner easier? a maid
9. Do you get up at the crack of dawn to have dinner ready in the early afternoon, or do you eat at your normal dinner hour? normal....I never get up at the crack of dawn unless I have been up all night!
10. If you go to somebody else’s house, what’s your favorite dish to bring? my broccholi cheese casserole or my mandarin orange cake with pineapple cream frosting.
11. What do you wish one of your guests would not bring to your house? beer for Thanksgiving!
What would you like them to bring? their appetites
12. Does your usual mix of guests result in drama, or is it a group you’re happy to see? I think when most families get together its a happy seems we are always well behaved on the holidays and happy to be able to be together.
13. Is your cranberry sauce fresh or canned? I like the kind from Krogers deli that is cranberries, some orange zest, nuts and whatever else.
14. What’s your absolute favorite thing on the menu? turkey
15. Share one family tradition. We usually all say one thing we are thankful for......this year there was such commotion with everyone arriving and getting seats out and introductions.....we forgot! Gaige usually always says a prayer but he was too bashful this year with Larrys family there at Christmas we shall have to say what we are greatful for and hopefully Gaige will say the prayer.
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Dr.John said...

You did very well with the meme you borrowed from me that I borrowed from somebody.
It sounds like your Thanksgiving went very well.

Big Pissy said...

Catch...I'm so happy for you and your family!

Everyone looks so content.

I think you and Larry are super cute together. :)

Akelamalu said...

Oh how wonderful that you all got together for Thanksgiving and your Christmas plans sound even better!

Lisa said...

Stopping over from another blog. Sounds like you guys had a great time for Thanksgiving. Family is the biggest blessing of all, isn't it?

Have a great upcoming week!


pure evyl said...

Looks like a great feast. I'm glad that the holidays treated you well.

Rick Rockhill said...

Hi Catch- great to hear from you, thanks for stopping by. I had lost track of you-glad to see you are well and blogging again.

Looks like you enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday.


Phats said...

Looks like a great Thanksgiving!! We were all at my Aunts, and I like going elsewhere less clean up haha :)

bettygram said...

Looks like a happy gathering. enjoyed the pictures.