Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The whole fam damily

This is my brothers and I. I am 59, Larry is 58, and Gary is 57. What was my Mother thinking?
Here we are with Mom. Arent we cute? lol
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Anonymous said...

How nice to have siblings so close to you! Did you get along growing up? I'm an only child, I would LOVED to have siblings!

Big Pissy said...

Yes, y'all ARE cute! :)

Especially your Mom. ;-)

Dr.John said...

She was thinking "Let's get this over with as fast as possible-three would be nice."

eZ said...

ya'll look like a big happy family,
I see those dimples are from your mama!
take care

Bluepaintred said...

lol three in a row would be a handful!

LJ said...

y'all are too cute!

Akelamalu said...

What a lovely family photograph. I have two brothers too but there's five years between us all.

Dan said...

Yes, you ARE cute, every one of you! Hugs Catch!

Deb said...

How cute is your family?

Patty said...

That is a nice family photo. We haven't had one made in a long time. I'm 6 yrs older than my brother and 20 yrs older than my sister. A big age difference!

tkkerouac said...

Sooo cute and you all have great smiles!

Michelle said...

how nice that you were able to get a family picture!

amelia said...

You ARE cute. I too am an only child and would have loved a sibling!!

Anonymous said...

Your Mom is just too dang cute! There's no doubt where you got your smile from!! 3 in a row, your mom, must have liked to been kept BUSY!!
Catch, you do have a very cute family!! :)

Have a great weekend!

Neoma said...

haha, very nice looking family.....

your Mom was thinking, when are they going to invent the pill?

I have five, but I spaced them out over 30 years because it took so many years to forget how puking sick I got each time I was pregnant.. haha

Gunngirl said...

One after another, that's the way to do it, but when you guys were did she manage!

Love the pictures!

Anonymous said...

You are cute! And your mother was thinking the same thing I was - have all in a lump so they'll entertain each other.

Ol' Lady said...

'what was your mother thinking?'
'now I know what I forgot at the drug store...condoms' :o
just look quite cute with your baby brothers.
hope all is well in your neck of the woods

L said...

Wonderful family pictures.