Sunday, July 29, 2007


Hey its my turn to rant! I heard on the news the other day Lindsay Lohan got a stupid is that broad? Between her and Paris, Nicole Ritchie, and Britney Spears there is not an ounce of class between them and Im sick of hearing about them. Let them do all the drugs and drinking they want.....but get them out of the news. I guess they figure bad press is better than no press. Where are the actresses that had class and talent??? Britney Spears has become so unattractive with an ass the size of Rhode Island. I cant imagine her ever making a video again where she looks good in it. The big question is Nichole Ritchie preggers??? Well..who cares? The girl looks like she barely eats enough to keep a bird alive let alone a child. And what about those Olsen Twins???? Do they look like a couple of waifs or what???? They used to have a clothing line out but it looks to me like they dress at the Salvation Army. These gals are all stupid. They had careers that were going full guns.....and what do they do with it????? They waste it. ( of course I have never figured out what Paris Hilton does yet!) They are spoiled little bitches who do not respect anything or anybody. I say get them out of the news. Nobody really cares what they are up to anyway. OK...I feel better now. lol


Gunngirl said...

Amen Catch! Amen! I can't believe the breakdown Britney had. What is wrong with these girls, especially Lindsay Lohan? They all have so much money and fame and they don't know what to do with it. I truly believe that Paris just wants any press to keep her in the thoughts of America because she has no other reason for anyone to talk about her.

Hey, guess what? How about becoming a humanatarian? Helping some people, funding a foundation, volunteering?

These girls are so clueless, and young and stupid, they know they never have to actually survive in the world, never fill out a job application and actually live like a real person, they don't care. But in 30 years they'll realize what fools they were.

Bluepaintred said...

you say it better than I could catch m'dear!

These stupid twats don't know how much good they could do! they could be teaching the next generation of girls how to be good and nice and respect themselves, but instead they are teaching them to drink, do drugs, show their girly parts and that there are no rules to follow.

I'm glad I have boys now more than ever before!

Anonymous said...

What a waste of talent these spoiled, self-indulgent twits. I'm with ya Catch, get them the heck out of the news!

Akelamalu said...

Tell it like it is Catch, hear hear!

amelia said...

Great post, made me laugh!!! So true!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have ranted it better.....amen!

Deb said...

It's sad ---- just sad. I don't even care anymore. I just feel bad for them now. They're trouled kids if you ask me, and the media makes them out to be different from the rest of the kids struggling with the same things. But, my question is..........being that these "kids" are so wealthy and famous- shouldn't they have limos or 'car services' picking them up when they go out clubbing and drinking? I would totally have that option available for me if I had the money! IF...being the key word there! (ha)

Hope you're doing great!

Anonymous said...

Catch,I couldn't have ranted better, you SAID IT!! I am so sick of these girls who are getting publicity and teenage daughters, like Marissa, (thank god she's not buying into, if Lindsay and Paris get DUIs, then that's the cool thing to do), but these girls haven't a clue of how stupid their actions really are. The one about Nicole Riccie being pregnant really made me sick. You're not alone.I'm so sick of hearing about all the others.
Britney has really let herself go. It's all so SAD.

Dr.John said...

They were on the news. I never noticed.

Pam said...

there hasn't been any 'real' actors/actresses since the days of all the old classics in my opinion. and for all these girls who are so messed up, ever take a look at their parents? they lack in parenting skills big time! btw i just saw something on the net bout the possibility of britney's 16 yr old little sister pregnant. oy vey!

one more doesn't buy class obviously lol

Tug said...

Just catching up here, & have to say "BRAVO! SO very well said".

Tammy said...

I totaly agree!!