Isnt it a funny time in our lives where no one has to be flat chested, have crooked teeth, or any of the imperfections that people have dealt with for years? Now , I can see getting your teeth fixed if they are really in bad shape or crooked or causing you pain and discomfort. I just dont understand getting breast implants, having a face lift, or having liposuction done. And remember this is just my opinion. I think when some people have these things done they think it will make them a whole other person. I figure if you were meant to have big breasts God would have gave them to you. Having carried double D breasts around most of my life I can tell you..there is so much more to life than big breasts! No matter how much weight you lose you can never look small because you have these huge ta ta's on your chest! But even if I had had very small ones I would have never have implants. I can assure you that. And if you find a man who is crazy about you because you have big breasts how shallow is he? What if you have to have one removed? Will he still love you? I say be happy with what you have and pray to God you never have to have one or both removed for medical reasons.
Some women worry so much about wrinkles...why? We all get them as we age. They are a part of life. Another thing is gray hair....which is easy enough to fix....I dont even know what color my hair should be by now. Why do I color it? I like it....I feel much better when my hair is blonde and pretty. Sometimes I will have an urge to go red...the next day I wake up as a redhead. Its kind of a fun thing to do. Men look much better with gray hair than women. They look distinguished. Women tend to get that salt and pepper gray with some yellow in it...but I have seen some women with beautiful gray or white hair.I hate to see a man who dyes his hair and he gets that "kiwi" look....looks like he rubbed a bunch of shoe polish on his head!
So whether you dye your hair or get breasts implants or have liposuction...you are YOU. And chances are if you have always taken time to be a friend and enjoy being around people, they will always enjoy being around you. If you have been a big stick in the mud for years, never been friendly...big boobs aint gonna do it!
If the world stopped making hair dye I would still be ME. I would still be bubbly and trying to inject a little humor in all that I do. I would survive without it. I might not be as cute, but so what? I love making people laugh and making them happy. Nothing is better than getting together with friends and laughing yourself silly. Wrinkles? hell yes, they are a part of me. But they prove I have laughed so much over the years that I wear them proudly.
The one thing I did do was throw my glasses away about 8 years ago. I had worn them everyday since the 7th grade. I hated the way they slide down your nose when you get hot....one day about 8 years ago I took them off ( as they were sliding down my nose) and threw them in the garbage. I knew if I hung on to them I would wear them again. I am happy to say I passed my last 2 drivers tests without my glasses! Im sure I dont have 20/20 vision but I do see enough to get me by. And when I had them I did wear them constantly. Im sure that one of these days I will have to get another pair of glasses, but for now....Im enjoying the freedom of not having them.
Understand I am not knocking anyone who has these procedures done....its totally up to you...and it may make you feel better. But chances are your are loved for what you are regardless of what you look like!
great post catch. great great post. this is one of my favorite quotes.. and it says how i feel about the subject..
"I want to grow old without facelifts. I want to have the courage to be loyal to the face I have made." --marilyn monroe
I admit to colouring my hair and using make-up but apart from that WYSIWYG! (what you see is what you get)
PS Big bazoomas can be a pain - literally!!
To each his own. I have no interest in bigger boobs, but I can't say I'd turn down a face lift if somebody bought it for me. My daughter had breast implants, not in an effort to be someone different, but so that she could buy shirts off the rack. Years of athletics and sports bras had flattened her out.
Hear, hear again.
I know plenty of folks who wished they had been around to get wrinkles....
I couldn't agree with you more. Well, except for the glasses thing. I would run into everything without mine.
Great post! Thanks!
I wholeheartedly agree...although I am guilty of the hair thing...great post!
Yep, I dye my hair...for ME. For fun. And I need my glasses...trust. But the rest? I LIKE being able to throw a sweatshirt on & run outside with no bra...no bigguns for me!
Big or small doesn't matter at all. It's all good to me. Natural is best.
hey catch- if someone feels good about who they are, they make everyone around them feel good.
I got me some saggy frankinboobies, gray hair(s), wrinkles, age spots, varicose viens, hairs where they should not be like my chin and neck, I keep the tweezers in the glovebox 80, a little virgina dryness(I think its drying up)and an old fart to love every part of me, as I do him, skidmarks and all-ha
We are all gonna age, but we are as old as we feel sweetcheeks!
You go girl!
I loved this post! I, too, will pass up on the surgeries. I have worked in the medical field for too long to not understand the risks of anesthesia. That and the fact that it just is not me. I have had friends do all those things and more to make their lives better and not a darn thing changed.........except they were poorer and miserable. I like me! hugsssssssssssss
Love this post Catch
all true
and I think Hollywood and magazines help instill this plastic mold image we can have of ourselves
Its great when you get to a point where you are truly comfortable in your own skin
I must admit though, on down days, I have pondered what I'd have done if I could afford it
so far, I'm all natural
except for a couple years back when I had perlane injected into my lips with Lillywhite
we came out looking like a couple of BJ Ducks.
Do you have a TO DO list outstanding?
I agree with you. Your description of a man's hair dye looking like shoe polish reminded me of when I cut my friends hair in seminary and he was going to see the committee that needed to approve him. My hand slipped and I gouged out a large chunk of hair in the back. So we filled it in with shoe polish. It was all we had.
yahoo! i never fail to get a great read when i stop by your blog! The pics were nice...and but oh the puppy, the poor puppy, that kid needs to stay locked up for life...anyway, it was nice to visit here...take care now!
Great post. I was recently pleased when telling my double D daughter (she did NOT get them from me) that I had to move up a bra size until she reminded me that it just meant my back got fatter, not my cups! Children can be so cruel! (even when they grow up) :) What a good read, thanks Catch.
To each his own, some women just can't stand to get old.......some can't stand to be gray, others want bigger boobs, seldom is anyone really happy with who they are, just as they are. Me, no makeup, no dye, no nothing. I would give up my bra if it wasn't so painful.....haha I am perfectly happy just the way I am, don't want to lose weight, don't want fancy clothes, don't want fancy hair. I just wear it long and straight, or twist up on my head. I can almost sit on it, so it gets really hot this time of year, so I just wear a pony tail. It is so wonderful to not care what anybody thinks of me.....makes one very free.....
Your so right...if I have something that has 'adjusted' itself on my body then it just proves...graviety works :o
My ex use to make me (yes make me) dye and perm my hair oh how I hated it...now it's mostly short, pepper in colour with dashes of salt...I love it!
Don't think I could go for the face lift thing...cause then nothin would match...lets see...a smooth tight face with saggy droopy boobs which cover the fat tummy nicely and bringin up the rear? well lets just say that the rear is there and keepin the back of me knees warm...nope I don't think a face lift would make the package any more better...
Well, its love me then love me draggy leg, me wonkie eye, me weeping hump and me boobs tucked in me socks........ scars and wrinkles are the roadmaps of ones life....... mine go to the moon and back LOL
GREAT POST........ and me....... I would be the same person, even if I was just a head propped up on a chair....... except I would have to change me name to 'eddie (ok my accent we drop the h lol).. and it would be a bummer just getting hats for birthdays and crimbo or earings lol...
Isn't it sad how insecure some people are? Society has a lot to do with it unfortunately. The media as captured a certain image and called it, "beautiful".
When a woman or man is confident in their own skin, that's a very sexy quality!
That's right, Catch!
I dye my hair, at first to stay blonde, but now I can see me a little grey. The Wrinkles are more noticeable now, at first I was a little sad, but now they bring out my true character. The more I laugh the bigger they get, but I'm having fun, and no one seems to care, so why should I? :)
Thanks for a great post to make us feel better.
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