Friday, December 29, 2006

I recieved an email a few days was from ebay ( so it said). It looked like it was from ebay....but I saved it for Russell to look at. They wanted my username and password. So when Russell came last night I showed it to him. It was bogus. Someone was trying to get my information so they could use my visa. Normally I would just type in the information and that would be that. It wasnt from ebay at all, even though it looked just like something from ebay.

Russell installed a thingie on my computer so now I will be able to tell if someone wants information and its bogus. Russell is very computer wise, I dont ask Jeeves, I ask Russell!

I remember a while back I got something that said it was from my bank. They said someone was tampering with my account and they wanted my password and username so they could correct it. I called my bank and they said to disregard that, it wasnt from them.

I just want you guys to be aware if you get any email asking for any information DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM. Someone is always out there trying to get rich on someone elses money. I had a friend who had her identity stolen and it was a real mess for them for a long time.

So please be aware, because those kind of people are out there. As much as we like to trust.....we can't always trust.


Gingers Mom said...

I am glad that you missed that one! You just can't be sure of anyone or anything these days. Oh, by the way, I am going to need your credit card number and social in order for me to continue commenting on your blog....

Big Pissy said...

I get crap like that all the time.


I need a Russell! ;-)

Blogarita said...

When in doubt, forward those things to (or, if it looks like it came from PayPal). They'll let you know right away if it's legit or not.

A good rule of thumb is that unless YOU initiated the transaction (ebay, email, on the phone, etc.), then don't give them any personal or account information.

Unknown said...

I get them all the time too. There are alot of different ones, so you really need to be careful. Ones that look like emails from E-Bay users. They are all scams.
Blogarita is right, forward those emails to Ebay, and they will shut down the theives. We've done it, and gone back, and their website went POOF!
Good for you for not being duped!!

Dr.John said...

Now I suppose you are tgoing to tell me that the nice letter I got today in my E-mail offering me a million dollars and needing my bank account number is a scam. And it had all those nioce words like "God wants you to have this money".

rel said...

Good catch girl! Thanks for the heads-up. You are so right..can't be too careful.

:P fuzzbox said...

Phishers are legion. I think they need the death penalty.

Bare said...

I get those dadgum things all the time! is in my addy book on yahoo-- I have to send them at least an e-mail a day. I wish these scammers would just give it up! Anyway, glad you didn't fall for that one! *hugs*

starbender said...

...aren't they sneaky with these e-mails. Scam after scam!

I stop'd by 2 say bye....

Who knows, maybe I shall just pop-back-in one day....

I wish the best 2 You hon! Take care of U'rself!


Neoma said...

best advice......don't give anything to anyone on the phone, or through email. I pretty much figure everything is bogus unless I initiated it myself. Once in the while the bank will ask me for my password, WHEN I call them, and want help with something, but even then I am very reluctant to give it to them. But if you initiate the call yourself, and you know you have your bank, I guess to then refuse to give them what they need to help you is kind of silly. I know once I refused and she said, well I don't know how I am going to help you then.......I had to laugh.......I guess she was right. But generally speaking IF THE BANK calls have NO way of knowing they are actually the bank.